Helen Lemmel (Page 2)

Helen Lemmel (Page 2)

Hel­en Lemmel (1863-1961) em­i­grat­ed from Eng­land with her fa­mi­ly to Am­er­i­ca when she was 12 years old.  She was a gift­ed sing­er, she stu­died mu­sic in Ger­ma­ny for four years. Upon re­turn to Am­er­i­ca, she be­gan giv­ing con­certs and even­tu­al­ly be­came a vo­cal mu­sic teach­er at the Moody Bi­ble In­st­itute in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.  She was diagnosed with a condition that was turning to blindness.  Her husband, a world traveler who couldn’t think of an disabled wife, abandoned her. In spite of the tragedy, Helen remained faithful to Jesus and was drawn closer to him. She wrote over 500 hymns, and one of her most well-known is still sung today: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”.


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