

“Providence in Politics” 

Discernment Conference 2016  – “DC:16”  09/30 – 10-02

September 30

SESSION #1:  “Our earthly conundrum”   1 Peter 2:13-17

DC:16 Session 1: Our Earthly Conundrum

October 1

SESSION #2:  “Our earthly goals”   1 Timothy 2:1-4

DC:16 Session 2: Our Earthly Goals

SESSION #3: “Our Heaven-given promise”   Matthew 25:14-24

DC:16 Session 3: Our Heaven-Given Promise

Q&A – Pastor Steve Cooley & Pastor Chuck Teagle

DC:16 Session 3: Question and Answer

October 2

Worship service: 9:30 A.M.  – Sermon: “You are in GOOD Hands!”  John 10:22-30

DC:16 Session 4: You Are in GOOD Hands!


Providence & Politics – How does a believer in Jesus Christ choose a candidate to vote for?  Is there really a “lesser evil”?  Church at The Cross knows this is a difficult decision to make in light of the moral standards from which you have to chose.  All of our answers must come from God’s word – not mans decision making ability.  Pastor Steve Cooley will be our guest speaker and he will be showing us through scripture, God is sovereign over Kings and Rulers.

Pastor Steve Cooley


Also joining us for DC:16, we are pleased to welcome back Christian recording artist, David Koblish.  He is not an entertainer, but a true minister of the Gospel through music.  David ministers musically in conferences throughout Asia, South America, and Europe with the International ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He has sung his songs in over 35 languages in order to more effectively communicate the gospel to so many different cultures.  www.underhiswings.org

David Koblish
